Remote Coaching Packages​

Coaching has been identified as being of enormous value and importance. It recognises and supports growth by allowing individuals to face up to reality, take responsibility and explore undiscovered potential for development that may otherwise remain out of reach.

Online coaching provides the same safe yet challenging space as traditional face-to-face coaching and enables individuals to make a ‘step-change’ in areas like delivering change, supporting new behaviour, providing challenge, shaping vision and improving communication.

We have an impressive track record of coaching professionals remotely, from high potential leaders to senior executives in a wide variety of businesses in both the private and public sector. Online coaching is highly effective, practical and today more accessible than ever.

We have an extensive network of coaches that are highly experienced, certified and hold credentials with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Remote Coaching Online Learning

Flash Coaching

Option 1

Picto LiveLearningOnlineSolutions

A simple and affordable way to focus on a hot topic or a change in your professional situation. Our Flash Coaching approach usually focusses on exploring 1 or 2 development areas

Your coach will support and co-create your successful advantage 

(sessions by Zoom / Skype / MS Teams)

Coaching Chemistry Session 
Kick-off objective setting: 45 mins
Coaching package: 5 x 60 mins

Typical duration : 3 months

1300€ + tax

Leadership Coaching

Option 2

Picto LiveLearningOnlineSolutions

A personalised coaching partnership for sustainable success
(sessions by Zoom / Skype / MS Teams)

Coaching Chemistry Session

Preliminary meeting: 45 mins

Coaching sessions: seven 1hr sessions
Final evaluation meeting: 45 mins
Annual review session: 1 hour
DISC + Motivators assessment (value 200€)

Typical duration : 6 months

Try before you buy?

Click to know more about the Complimentary Coaching Chemistry Session
A complimentary 30 minute discussion can be easily set up over the phone, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc with one or two of our coaches and the typical structure of a chemistry session discusses the following:
  • What is coaching?
  • What does the coachee want to achieve?
  • What does the coachee expect of the coach and vice versa?
  • The approach and style of the coaching
  • That coaching is a choice - all parties must decide if coaching is the right option
  • Q&A
  • contact us

    Interested in learning how you can integrate a coaching approach to you management style?

    Why not try one of our coaching skills masterclasses so you can become a ‘coach-like’ manager and enable the true potential of your team. 
    We offer a three part learning journey that provides the skills, steps, philosophy as well as the opportunity for some live learning with several skills drills and practice sessions.
    The master trainer is an ICF accredited coaching skills trainer with over 15 years of international coaching experience.

    Complimentary Coaching Chemistry Session

    Try before you buy

    We understand that getting the right fit between coach and coachee is absolutely essential. That is why we propose a try before you buy service with no obligation to proceed if both parties don’t feel 100% sure that it is the right match for a trust-based coaching relationship.